Puisten op voorhoofd betekenis: ontdek de oorzaak van je puistjes

Pimples on forehead meaning: discover the cause of your pimples

Jun 17, 2021Lieve op den Buijsch

According to ancient Chinese medicine, the areas of your skin where impurities develop tell something about your overall health. That method to discover the cause and meaning of your pimples (and therefore also pimples on forehead meaning) is called Face Mapping: the meaning of what is going on on your skin, so to speak. There are a total of fourteen zones, and we list the most common ones below.

Meaning pimples forehead

These could mean pimples on your face, based on the different areas on your face:

According to the Eastern theory, your forehead is connected to the digestive system and your nervous system. Do you mainly have pimples on your forehead? Then it could be related to your gut. Another factor can be stress. Take care of yourself, avoid too much sugar and try to drink more antioxidants such as green tea.

Cheeks / Cheekbones
This zone is associated with your lungs. Impurities in this zone are common in people who smoke. A little more practical: the meaning of pimples on cheeks can also have to do with hygienic factors. How clean is the phone you hold to your face while calling? Give it a cleaning every now and then. You can also try changing your pillowcase every other day for a while.

Chin and mouth
This is probably a no-brainer, but the chin and area around your mouth are your "hormonal" zones and are linked to the stomach and its connection to your gut. When you have your period, you can often see it coming on your chin. Furthermore, the meaning pimples on chin and mouth can be a sign that you should eat more healthy and fiber-rich food.

The nose is linked to the heart. According to the theory, you can even link your right or left nostril to that same heart half. The problem can be quite literal and related to your blood pressure, or more figuratively: time to open your heart and let go of certain emotions.

The area between your eyebrows is connected to your liver. Impurities in this place can be related to an unhealthy lifestyle. So: eat healthier, sleep better, use less alcohol and above all be kind to yourself (but that always applies).

To sleep
Your temples represent your kidneys and your bladder. The meaning of pimples on your temples can indicate a lack of moisture, among other things. Water, water, and more water. Not only good for the zone near your sleep, but for your whole body.

Treating pimples

Of course, there are also things you can do to help your skin. With these tips you can treat your pimples in a healthy and safe way.

  • Don't squeeze the pimples† We know it's tempting, but squeezing it can push the sebum further into your skin and exacerbate the inflammation.
  • Don't scrub your skin† Clean it with a mild, perfume-free cleanser or simply with clean hands and water. Make sure to pat your skin dry with a towel without rubbing. 
  • Drink enough water† This way you don't give your sebaceous glands the signal that they need to produce extra sebum to keep the skin soft and flexible.
  • Keep your face clean† Do not touch your skin during the day. Certainly not without clean hands. Change your pillowcases regularly and don't wear makeup if you don't think it's "necessary". 
  • Let your skin recover† In the evening, on a clean face, apply a safe, perfume-free skin routine. This allows the skin to rest and recover at night.

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